'Peanut Allergy Princess' is the story of one mom, one Princess with food allergies (to peanuts and brazil nuts) and our journey through the stress of life with food allergies. Here you will find many recipes, tips on living (and enjoying life) with food allergies, thoughts from a mother of 3 kids (The Brothers and The Princess) and insights into our life. Welcome!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Pumpkins

Here is your advance warning... this is a craft post. But since it is so easy, even for non-crafters, I thought it would be fun to post. Who doesn't like an extra way to dress up your home for fall?

I am not a pumpkin carver. I find it too messy and time-consuming for what it is worth. My husband always carves one big pumpkin for the kids to enjoy and for the seeds. We also let each kids pick out a small pumpkin. For these pumpkins, we either paint them or use pumpkin push pins (plastic pieces you can poke into the pumpkin to make a face). So, when Halloween is over, we are left with a few pumpkins that are still in fine condition and can be used as decorations. Usually I just leave them on the porch as plain old pumpkins. This year, I decided to do something a bit more fancy with my "leftover" pumpkins.

I simply took different colors of tulle (it is super cheap at Walmart) and wrapped my pumpkins in them.  I used some yellow, goldish brown and red, but you can use whatever colors you want. I tied the tulle at the top with some ribbon. I cut the top of the tulle to even it up a bit, but you can leave it however you want. (As a side note... I love using tulle to wrap around birthday presents instead of ribbon because it is so fun to poof - and it can also look a little masculine when wrapping presents for The Brother's friends) I used an assortment of ribbon that I had on hand for the "bows". You can get as fancy and creative as you want. Or keep it simple if you are not crafty or don't have hours to spend trying to create the perfect bow. These could even be made to use for Halloween by adding some fake spiders or other Halloweeny stuff.

Happy Fall!

On the buffet in our living room

On the piano - which has absolutely no natural light so this picture is terrible!


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